I first learned about Flash Tats (flash tattoos or metallic tattoos) at the Martha Stewart Weddings Party this past year when they had an entire station dedicated to applying/giving them away. {A little slow on the uptake, I know.} Ever since then, I have been obsessed!
Flash tattoos are like re-living childhood. They’re shiny and cool, yet in an acceptable and fashionable way. I think they look so whimsical and chic!! {Sigh, I can’t wait ’til summer when I can really show ’em off!} Anyway, today I am so excited to be reviewing a flash tat product for you guys!
Born Pretty’s Tattoo Body Art Decals in #3
I mean, if you can put on a false tattoo as a 10 year old, you can easily do this. The same concept applies – Cut it out and peel off the plastic, place it where you want it and hold a wet paper towel over it for 30 seconds, then voile you have a tattoo! I moved around quite a bit while I was applying mine and had no issue with it moving/clumping during application. The entire tattoo was applied evenly and none of the edges were peeling or refusing to adhere.
Rating: 5/5
So cheap!!! A whole sheet of tattoos is less than $3.50 and right now it’s on sale for an additional 20% off! {To put it in perspective, Sephora and other brands are currently selling almost identical products in packs of four sheets for $22.} Talk about a bargain!
Rating: 5/5
I am really picky about the designs of metallic tattoos. I know it sounds silly, because it’s not like they’re permanent or all that fancy, but I still don’t want some stupid tribal-looking band as the chosen design. I love the options Born Pretty has and especially like the fact that each sheet comes with a variety of different patterns.
Rating: 5/5
Long wear:
This is what I am most impressed with. Considering the fact that these are temporary tattoos, my expectations were pretty low for the products wearing duration. I have been so impressed, though!! These things are troopers! I put this tattoo on days ago and it is still going strong. It is waterproof. If you wet your finder and rub it, nothing happens except for a couple of sparkles coming off. And more over, if you scratch it with your finger nail, it still doesn’t get messed up… At all!! {I will give an update later when it has come off and let you guys know exactly how many days it lasted.}
Rating 5/5
I am so impressed by this product! It’s cute, cheap and lasts forever! The only negative I have about it, is that it looks cuter with tanner skin, but hey, doesn’t everything?! haha. I can’t wait to wear these products all summer!!! They are going to look adorable with bathing suits and sundresses. But in the meantime, I think they will look plenty cute with a chunky sweater or a lace top. There are so many options, the metallic colors can be mixed and matched and there truly is a style for everyone. I could not be happier!
Rating: 5/5
I'm seriously obsessed with flash tattoos! Love this one! xo
Oh so lovely! Thanks so much for sharing, wishing you a happy Sunday! <3
xo, Nicole
Evolution of Glam