Last year’s goals were very focused on Frill. So, although I do have some
personal work goals set, the majority of my goals for this year will be focused on personal growth. Here are my goals for 2015!
Build a name-sake brand
*Launch a
personal website
personal website
*List and
promoting styling and speaking services
promoting styling and speaking services
Build my blog
*Post 12 times
a month, at least
a month, at least
*Continue to
connect with fellow bloggers
connect with fellow bloggers
*Organize two
more blogger events
more blogger events
*Become a
member of the Southern Blog Society
member of the Southern Blog Society
*At least
double my traffic over the course of the year
double my traffic over the course of the year
Reach out to friends that I haven’t seen since graduation
and make time for
them/travel to see them.
and make time for
them/travel to see them.
Read devotionals 2 times a week
Become involved in some aspect of church, outside of Sunday
Travel to at least 3 new places, even if they are in state
Become a local representative for the Leukemia &
Lymphoma society and raise a minimum of $1000 for the organization
Lymphoma society and raise a minimum of $1000 for the organization
Take one day each month to paint and be creative
Finish decorating my office (most of the frames still have
their filler pictures haha)
their filler pictures haha)
Be slower to anger and be more patientMake time for at least one date night a week, even if it’s just cooking dinner together
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